

Fleet Manager

401-D demo app

We built the 401-D demo app to showcase how easy it’s to include the guest room controls in customer applications. Now available in all Fleet Manager projects.

The demo app comes especially useful when building mockup rooms and discussing potential cloud API integrations. It has been built for mobile, but also works on a desktop.

Use the controls page to change between preset lighting scenes (100% / 70% / 30% / 0%) in real-time. By clicking on the room number in the top right corner, you can switch between different guest rooms. More information on the integrations can be found on the "Info" page.


How to setup

  1. Open your project in Fleet Manager
  2. Make sure you have a space named “Living room” in your project
  3. Make sure the room control kit status is “Online”
  4. Click the “Demo app view” link below the name of your project
  5. Create a link and share it with the stakeholders

Please note that the application is built only for demonstrations and can’t be used in production.

Indicators for active views

A red-dot status indicator to instantly see which links are active at any given time.

Since Fleet Manager now includes separate views for the installers, project managers, and demo app, we added indicators to keep track of active view links. Enable, disable or delete the links by clicking on their name.

Remember that you can also create multiple links for each view, which is handy when working with various different companies on a single project.



  • User interface adjustments for switch configurations